Sunday 7 July 2013

How Do I Get Him to Propose to Me

It happens all the time... a guy and a gal find each other, fall head over heels in love, and settle into a comfortable, loving relationship. But far too often, it's what happens afterwards that creates a problem. Things are wonderful, comfortable, you're as happy as can be together and you are ready to tie the knot and start the rest of your life, but your guy doesn't seem the least bit interested in taking the relationship to the next level. If this is you, and you're finding yourself staring at engagement rings in jewelry store

How to Deal With Your Low Self-Esteem and Become a Chick-Magnet (No Girl Is Out of Your League)

Any guy can get any girl. No woman is out of your league. You don't believe me? Think about it, have you ever seen or known a very average guy, or even an ugly man, who dates the most gorgeous girls around? If you haven't seen one of those guys, open your eyes, because they are everywhere.

How to Make the Best First Impression When You Meet Women (It's Fast and Easy)

First impressions are very important. They could be the difference between a long fulfilling relation, with a gorgeous girl, or a sad and lonely life. Women will judge everything you do, or say, through the lens of the first impression, so you better make it a good one. Here are some basic principles that will help

How to Attract Women - Tips for Getting Her to Say Yes to You

Do you feel like you have to jump through hurdles just to get a woman to say yes to going out on a date with you? Does the whole dating thing seem way more complicated than it should be? If so, then you are not alone in feeling that way. Plenty of men, just like you, feel like getting a woman to say yes to going out on a date with them is

Dating Women in Your Fifties: Tips for Starting a Meaningful Relationship

Let's face it: dating at any age is frightening. The fear of rejection, wondering if you are saying the right thing at the right time or pondering what the future may bring. For those of you in your 50s, chances are you haven't played this game in quite a while. Add to this the fact that in a majority of